Wednesday, April 04, 2007

New site warning

I've decided to spend more time on my blogging so I reinstalled Wordpress on one of my hosting accounts and reactivated So, if you are linking to this blog or receiving the RSS feed, please update your links.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to having fun on my blog again (which means MORE fishing!!)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Thank heavens I don't have to worry about this

Alistair over at The Urban Fly Fisher ran across a carcass while fishing and pondered the fate of the sheep over the rest of the fishing season. Don't think I'll see anything like this in my area.

I usually enjoy his photography of the European rivers, but I'll pass on these photos.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Hook.TV Sneak Peak

Now this looks interesting.

I got an email today from a new social community for fly fisherman called Hook.TV. It's literally like a MySpace for anglers. They host video content from established providers such as the Trout Bum Diaries and Deep Stream Productions along with user submitted videos. They also provide a free blog for members and future contests.

I'm actually pretty excited about it and will dig in deeper after work today. BTW, my user name is obviously anglerwannabe on so look for me.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I've been owned

The pond owned me again. And this must be turtle mating season - they are everywhere!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Beat the pond

I'm planning to master my local pond. I am tired of not being able to even get a panfish when I go out during my lunch breaks.

I got some great advice from Kevin, a former VA fishing buddy of mine. I've always been more of a trout fisher while he likes big bass and warm water species. I chatted with him over IM the other day and he told me what I need to do to catch bass out of the pond. I'll report on my success with his suggestions over the next couple of weeks. I'm determined to beat that pond!